Update 9-21-22:
All Visitors you have the potential to be exposed to SARS-COVID-2 in the Facility.
Mountain Vista Health Center has active positive COVID-19 case.
Indoor visitation during an outbreak response
Whether unvaccinated residents are known to be in close contact or are identified as a part of a broad-based outbreak response but not known to be in close contact: indoor Visitation should ideally occur only in the resident’s room, the resident and their visitor should wear well-fitting source control (if tolerated) and physically distance.
Source control and physical distancing recommendations should also be followed for Vaccinated residents.
Outdoor visitation is allowed, but residents should wear well-fitting source control (if tolerated), maintain physical distancing from others, and not linger in common spaces when moving from their rooms to the outdoors
Visitors should physically distance themselves from others while in the facility.
Visitors should visit with residents in single-person rooms; in multi-person rooms; or designated visitation areas when only the resident they are visiting with is present.
Visitors should physically distance themselves from the resident they are visiting unless the resident and all of their visitors are fully vaccinated, then they can choose to have physical contact with one another. Continue reading Current COVID-19 Update