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Assisted Living Memory Care

Mountain Vista’s Assisted Living Memory Care area was designed to enhance the services available to residents, families and seniors in the area. We understand residents and families affected by Alzheimer’s, dementia and associated memory issues face certain challenges and often require special dementia or Alzheimer’s care. Rest assured Mountain Vista can be a resource to help you and your family create a plan that meets your needs.

In this section of our community, residents and families can choose from one of our 22 thoughtfully appointed private suites, enjoying open and comfortable common areas created to offer residents a sense of familiarity so vital to this group of seniors.

Personalized Memory Care in a Supportive Environment

Within our memory care center, each resident receives a personalized dementia care plan designed not only to meet their specific needs, but also to maintain his or her well-being. As part of this specialized plan of care, staff members offer programs and activities designed to engage and connect with residents who live with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. In order to ensure the highest quality care, all memory care staff members receive specialized training, providing them with unique insight and understanding of the disease to ensure a comfortable, safe and supportive environment.

If you are interested in finding out more about Memory Care near Denver, we invite you to call and set up your personal tour. Click here to schedule a time online – or call 303-421-4161 to set up an appointment.